
提供全方位跨境物流服務。從機場到機場、機場到門、門到門各類不同結點形式服務,同時也提供從Time Critical、Next Flight Out、標準快遞、跨境電商物流等不同需求與目標的運輸服務。

宇迅國際有限公司 (Linehaul Express, LINEX) 隸屬於香港LENTON集團,LENTON集團是一家以香港為基地,擁有50年以上經驗提供跨境物流運輸方案的國際物流控股集團,而旗下的LINEX,30年來作為國泰航空/國泰港龍航空全球航空貨運業務的獨家總代理,依託國泰航空/國泰港龍航空的服務網絡布局布局全球,總公司設於香港,並在全世界30個國家設有分公司,超過一千家的地區性合作代理夥伴。

宇迅國際有限公司在台灣30年來提供全方位跨境物流服務。從機場到機場、機場到門、門到門各類不同結點形式服務,同時也提供從Time Critical、Next Flight Out、標準快遞、跨境電商物流等不同需求與目標的運輸服務,並透過LENTON集團旗下的全球RPX集團、亞洲WAKO集團、加拿大A52公司、美國IBC公司、英國CCL公司等多個跨國與全資子公司的合作,為台灣各式客戶與市場上下游的需求與要求,提供全球化的物流服務。

擁有獨特的全球中性網絡,LENTON集團相繼於2009年與2014年獲得法國郵政集團(La Poste)與日本郵政(Japan Post)的投資,使得LENTON集團成為全球唯一擁有世界前3大郵政集團共同投資的物流集團;法國郵政並於2019年10月增資成為LENTON集團最大股東,LENTON將成為法國郵政在亞洲發展最重要的戰略夥伴!

順應運輸市場的脈動, LENTON集團整合法郵、日郵的物流資源挹注,在跨境電商的物流上不斷創新推出獨家特有的解決方案,深耕全球市場,並以台灣作為中心。自2016年起,宇迅國際有限公司協同中華郵政將桃園機場打造為日本郵政集團的全球轉運樞紐,貨物來自北美、歐洲、中國、非洲、東南亞等地經台灣進入日本市場;2019年法國郵政亦啟動與宇迅國際和中華郵政的合作,將台灣作為法國郵政在亞洲進入歐洲市場的轉運中心。



The Linex network was established in 1989 when Linehaul Express (HK) Ltd was appointed Wholesale Courier General Sales Agent (GSA) for Cathay Pacific  and since then has been awarded with further exclusive GSAs with Cathay Dragon (formerly Dragon Air) in 1995 and Air China is 2006. We are proud to be one of the largest independent Linehaul networks in the world. We also work closely with many other quality airlines. Our network of wholly owned subsidiaries, joint ventures and agents is available to any company in the transportation industry requiring a top quality neutral express sales and distribution solution.


  • hub-ez serves as a one stop logistics platform for our customers and partners which encompass providing domestic and international parcel pick-up, delivery, and return solutions for business customers, including online sellers, e-marketplaces, and related participants in the eCommerce logistics market. We partner with the best around the world. What makes us truly stand out from the others is that we offer not only commercial solutions or postal solutions but a hybrid logistic solution to meet your needs. That means getting the best of both worlds: better customs clearance & faster delivery.
  • One Stop Solution for e-Merchants Linex provides unique access to authorized channels into China and Europe for personal-use items. Bundled with proven linehaul from our overseas gateways, and final-mile solutions, there are several end-to-end channels to this enormous and fast-growing market-place: by 2016, China is expected to have more digital buyers than Western Europe and North America combined. With its numerous gateway stations, Linex also provides efficient and cost-effective solutions to key markets such as Western Europe, Russia, Ukraine, India and Brazil.
  • As the largest wholesale network in Asia, Linex plays an important role in the express global parcel delivery market. Linex has been the exclusive worldwide general sales and service agent for Cathay Pacific Cargo’s courier product since 1989 and GSA for Air China since 2006. Under these agency agreements, Linex offers priority linehaul space on a wholesale basis to the transportation industry, ensuring efficient transit, the latest cut-off times and the fastest retrievals. Linex provides a broad range of additional services for retail transportation companies, on a neutral basis. Examples of value-added services can be found in Gateway Logistics.
  • Linex offers the largest independent network of owned & agent offices providing wholesales express solutions to the transportation industry. Through its General Sales Agency for Cathay Pacific Cargo, Linex has established itself as one of the premier operators of international logistics. At each international gateway, Linex offers a complete range of warehousing and distribution functions and services that can be mixed and matched to your company’s needs such as distribution assortment, cross-docking, “just-in-time”, sequenced supply & synchronized delivery management, bonded warehousing, bonded and non-bonded trucking, and in-transit mixing & product support.


