Motiv is a breakthrough wearable technology company focused on designing products that fit seamlessly into people’s lives and keep them living better. Our team shares a passion and breadth of experience in product design, consumer goods, and innovative startups. Motiv creates products people want to wear, are easy to use and deliver meaningful experiences.

As a software branch in Taiwan, we are a group of creative, flat organized and highly respective company. You’ll also be able to use the latest technology and hand on experience to improve your skills. We lead with open doors, open minds and we’re pretty open about everything. We offer people the room to grow and encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning.

Motiv is a personal technology brand focused on making devices that fit seamlessly into our lives. With our first line of personal fitness trackers, we’re dedicated to building product experiences that are beautiful and easy to use. That’s the moment when using technology becomes a truly delightful experience and virtually blends into your daily life.


We’re flexible around personal commitments because we believe in a healthy, stimulating work-life balance.


The World’s First Stylish Fitness Tracker

  • Motiv Ring sends your activity, sleep and heart rate data wirelessly to its app in the background, no button presses required.
  • The Motiv App automatically measures all the metrics you care about – heart rate, sleep, calories burned and steps – whether you’re out for a run, running errands or trying a new workout class.


  • Flexible work hours
  • Flexible work location (desk, couch, or your own home)
  • No preset vacation days
  • Weekly company lunch and drinks
  • Snacks shelf

您正瀏覽的公司:Motiv    有 3 則面試心得
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  1. 負責顧問
    , 職缺名稱: Lead Android EngineerReply
    以下內容由 JECHO 顧問群向人選取得面試回饋,或由人選主動提供,請勿任意轉載。





  2. 負責顧問
    , 職缺名稱: Lead Android EngineerReply
    以下內容由 JECHO 顧問群向人選取得面試回饋,或由人選主動提供,請勿任意轉載。

    9 年軟體開發經驗及約 6 年的團隊管理經驗。
    面試時間約 2 小時,一開始先和台灣同事進行面試,聊得滿愉快的,先用中文聊接著全英文進行,著重工作經歷、公司發展與職務需求的討論。
    結束前就被邀約進行第二關面試,將與美國的 RD 面談。

  3. 負責顧問
    , 職缺名稱: Firmware EngineerReply
    以下內容由 JECHO 顧問群向人選取得面試回饋,或由人選主動提供,請勿任意轉載。

    10 年以上的韌體工程師經驗。
    第一關先聊目前公司狀況,覺得 Motiv 資金狀況很好,以新創公司來說很省錢,而且現在又在積極擴展全球市場,未來營收應該會更好。

