1995年慧榮科技成立於矽谷,目前企業辦公室設立於香港、台灣與美國,並在台灣、中國、香港、韓國、日本、美國均設有研發及營運團隊。於 2005 年在美國 Nasdaq上市,為亞洲第一家赴美掛牌的IC設計公司,並堅持著務實、誠信、創新三大精神將每項領域都做到最好。

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  • RTL/Digital circuit design, synthesis, and simulation/verification
  • FPGA synthesis, verification
  • SOC architecture development & integration, algorithm implementation
  • High speed Serdes IO design & verification


  • Familiar with complete ASIC design flow, UPF, and EDA tools (DCG synthesis, at-speed scan insertion, modern memory bist insertion and STA)
  • Experience in ASIC/FPGA integration (ARM CPU architecture, AXI/APB bus protocol, Clock/Reset structure, Xilinx FPGA/HAPS implement)
  • Familiar with DDR system architecture & integration or High-speed I/O protocol such as PCIe and USB
  • SOC DFT and Low-power implementation experience are a plus

技能標籤: systemverilog, verilog

