MemryX Inc is a USA-based startup company specializing in AI accelerator design, with office in Taipei. MemryX is backed by prominent investors and industry leaders, and offers a great career opportunity for both young and experienced engineers.

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Who We Are

MemryX, Inc. is an AI semiconductor startup company headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with branches in Taipei and Hsinchu, Taiwan. We develop highly scalable and innovative AI accelerator chips that offer high performance, low energy, and customer ease of implementation for embedded Edge AI vision-based applications and real-time data processing. Company has working HW & SW for customer sampling, with production designs in the pipeline, and a system architecture designed a future of neuromorphic computing. MemryX is backed by excellent VC funding and is currently in a stage of rapid growth.

While our tech is one of a kind we would not be able to make these advancements without our team. Our collaborative culture is one of the keys to our success.

Who You Are

  • You are an open and honest communicator who values your team
  • You are innovative, enjoy bringing new ideas to the table and are receptive to ideas and feedback from others
  • You’re passionate about advancing the state of the world through new technology
  • You enjoy the ambiguity and pace of a startup environment

What you will be doing

  • SoC firmware development
  • Embedded linux/windows driver development

What we expect to see

  • BS or MS in computer engineering or computer science with a special focus on system software architecture, digital system design, or computer architecture
  • 3~7 years of industry experience is preferred
  • Standard interface protocols (JTAG/UART/I2C/SPI etc.) and common IP blocks (DMA/interrupter/timer etc.)
  • Familiar with embedded linux/windows driver implementation
  • Experience with USB3.2 gen 1 and PCIE gen 4 interface is plus
  • Experience in ARM processor and its developer tools (ICE/compiler etc.)
  • Familiarity with script programming such as shell script, make, Python, etc.
  • Willing to take on challenges, and effective English communications and co-work with other team members

技能標籤: ARM, asic, assembly, C, C++, drivers, firmware, github, linux, MCU, usb技術

您正瀏覽的職缺:Firmware Engineer    有 2 則面試心得
更多內容請前往 企業面試心得

  1. 負責顧問
    以下內容由 JECHO 顧問群向人選取得面試回饋,或由人選主動提供,請勿任意轉載。

    碩士畢,9 年 IC 設計公司軟體/ 韌體開發經驗,6 年安卓藍芽軟體經驗,精通 C/C++、Java、SQL、shell 等技術。

    面試時間:1 小時,面試官為主管

  2. 負責顧問
    以下內容由 JECHO 顧問群向人選取得面試回饋,或由人選主動提供,請勿任意轉載。

    碩士畢,16y+ 相關背景,10y+ 客戶項目、FPGA 內部開發,熟悉 ARM Cortex-M series、USB、system bringup、porting 等技術

    主管面試近兩小時,聊很多技術與概念,面試官很溫和,公司產品很有競爭力,目前這產品在台灣主要有兩間企業在做,但 MemryX 很有特色、數據也漂亮,已經有 FPGA 的 Demo 平台,明年即可販售。
    如果有機會非常想加入團隊,在這裡可以做到 high performance 及產品 release,這些都是能幫助自己增加技能和經驗的部分,所以整體期待值蠻高的!

