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Evervictory 皆凱科技



DeFi Revolution: Tokenbricks introduces a way for crypto wallet holders to hold coins backed by the same types of financial instruments that banks, insurance companies and governments use: mortgages, land development loans, vehicle loans, student loans, promissory notes, etc.

MediConCen 醫結

MediConCen is the next generation of medical network powered by blockchain technology. It is just another Uber for doctors that mobilizes latent supply allowing doctors to set their own price.

CoolBitX 庫幣

CoolBitX aims to lower the barriers for people to enter the crypto world. Making blockchain applications more approachable and compliant, allowing people to store cryptocurrencies easily and safely are our missions.


XREX is a neo fintech leveling the playing field by partnering with banks, regulators, and verified individuals to redefine banking together. Our blockchain-driven solutions create a collective financial system that empowers all to participate and contribute to the global economy.

Dinngo 夾梓星冰樂

成立於美國舊金山的 DINNGO,是一間成長快速且穩定的區塊鏈公司。我們看見區塊鏈的技術將在未來緊密地被金融產業所採納,也感到非常的幸運能夠集結一群來自各個領域的優秀人才。希望在未來的五年內,讓金融真正的走入大家的日常生活中。

Anue 鉅亨網
