Welhunt has well acknowledged the market background and trend to confront any situation proactively, addressing our imperatives. We have put cost control and efficiency of our businesses on the top agenda through developments of mid to long term company strategy that include substantial investment in differentiating upstream and downstream assets in core and new geographies that allows us to control and utilize our cost efficiency management of commodities that we trade.


We established in 1992 in Taiwan, with today commercial head quarter in Singapore and across our global operations, we are committed to working in ways that are true to Our Welhunt Charter values of Sustainability, Integrity, Respect, Honesty, and Accountability.

We consist of 17 nationalities including UK, US, Belgium, Norway, Singapore, Australia, India, Russia, Hongkong, Vietnam, Phillipines, Indonesia and etc. With a global portfolio of businesses and commodities, we are always seeking talented, skilled and enthusiastic people to join our team. At Welhunt, we are committed to engaging, enabling and supporting our line leaders in creating a work environment of greater inclusion where our employees can reach their full potential. We are building a diverse workforce, appreciating all the different aspects of individual uniqueness, including thought and perspective, experience, age, disability, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender. We expect you to make the most of opportunities, to be passionate about your work and to respect others. We offer a diverse and challenging environment with great learning and career opportunities for people who share our values.

Today, the global commodity trading is central core of our company and we are working with our modern and advance ability to lay off or take on risk. Against an environment of volatile market for many core commodities across the board from food to industrial materials, the industry is on the verge of substantial change over the coming years. The market is witnessing through eroding margins as competitive intensity, information transparency, and the capital requirements of the business all on the rise.

Welhunt has well acknowledged the market background and trend to confront any situation proactively, addressing our imperatives. We have put cost control and efficiency of our businesses on the top agenda through developments of mid to long term company strategy that include substantial investment in differentiating upstream and downstream assets in core and new geographies that allows us to control and utilize our cost efficiency management of commodities that we trade. Today we own and operate production and processing assets from agricultural to metal industries and this provides our foundation and access to trade better all related commodities in a modern and advance way.


We are committed to making a positive contribution to society. We create thousands of employments, develop skills, build basic infrastructure and procure from local producers and create society foundation.

Diversity & Inclusion

Be your bestself at work – We believe diversity and inclusion drives innovation

With a high spirit of teamwork, we treat all people fairly and equally from top-down to grassroots. We make time to pay particular attention to equal treatment and ensure equal access to work, training and promotion. We invest in training and development for diverse employees and offer a buddy-program for newcomers to foster closer connections and a better understanding of other cultures among individuals.

Career development

Being a part of our team, you will have unlimited opportunities to:

  • Improve your skills within an area, proving yourself in different roles with the support of the colleagues and management team.
  • Expand your knowledge, increase the level of difficulty of the performed tasks through the oversea rotation program.
  • Develop your intercultural skills and improve your language skills when working in a multicultural environment.
  • Define clear goals of your career path with the company.


  • 鋼鐵加工與貿易 Steel processing and trade
  • 礦業貿易 Mining trade
  • 農產品種植與貿易 Agricultural products cultivation and trade
  • 葡萄酒代理與銷售 Wine agency and sales


  • 員工團保 Employee group insurance
  • 員工教育訓練 Employee training course
  • 年終獎金/三節禮品 Year-end bonus/holiday gift
  • 員工旅遊 Company trip
  • 每月慶生茶會 Monthly birthday tea party
  • 下午茶 Afternoon tea
  • 營養午餐 Lunch box
  • 健康檢查 Health examination
  • 漂亮、舒適的辦公環境 Beautiful and comfortable office
  • 員工休息室 Staff lounge
  • 結婚/生育/喪葬禮金 Marriage/birth/funeral allowance
  • 團康活動 Recreational activities

2 interview reviews on this company: Wel-Hunt Materials 華翰物產
Please go Interview Reviews page for furthur reviews.

  1. User
    , Job: HR Full function ManagerReply
    The interview reviews are provided by JECHO candidates, any unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

    碩士畢,10y+ Full function HR 經驗,包括跨國新創公司0-1團隊建置經歷,熟悉勞工相關法令,同時具有規劃人事規則流程、薪酬福利(含市場薪資調查)、績效考核以及人才招募等工作經驗。

    面試約一個半小時,詢問過去規劃面經驗(如何操作、細節的部份問滿仔細)、過去遇過的困難、過往離職原因等,覺得華翰需要的人選是具有外商視野+full function經驗+英文流利(聽說讀寫)的人

  2. Consultant in charge
    The interview reviews are provided by JECHO candidates, any unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.

    碩士畢,在 SAP 導入、實施、維護有逾 10 年經驗,並有多次與跨國團隊討論、建構經驗。

    由 2 位 HR 進行面試,了解過去經驗為主,整體還算順利。
    目前 ERP 版本以選定兩大廠,有一定的興趣,因為可以從無到有的建置過程,主導性夠強,有談到薪資及未來團隊,表示若有需要都可以提案審核,可列入採納。

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