Welhunt has well acknowledged the market background and trend to confront any situation proactively, addressing our imperatives. We have put cost control and efficiency of our businesses on the top agenda through developments of mid to long term company strategy that include substantial investment in differentiating upstream and downstream assets in core and new geographies that allows us to control and utilize our cost efficiency management of commodities that we trade.


  • 熟銀行往來與銀行額度申請操作
  • 熟國際貿易/外匯業務工具(如:信用狀)
  • 持續整合及優化財務管理制度及流程
  • 執行主管交辦事項


  • 能夠配合業務需求國/內外出差
  • 個性活潑好相處,重團隊合作

Tagged as: accounting, finance

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