
Design and implement Intowow data platform that meets both internal and external needs.

Essential Requirements

  • Practical experience in loading, extracting, migrating, transforming, and archiving data
  • Experience with business intelligence systems strongly preferred
  • Strong SQL skills (MySQL & PostgreSQL); strong AWS skills (RDS, Redshift, EC2, Data Pipeline, etc.); Scripting skills (Python, Bash, etc.) preferred
  • Ability to analyze data to identify deliverables, gaps, and inconsistencies
  • Experience with digital data such as display advertising, web analytics, ecommerce or social data is a plus


English –Listening/Medium; Speaking/Medium; Reading/Fluent; Writing/Fluent

技能標籤: python, SQL

您正瀏覽的職缺:Software Engineer – Data    有 1 則面試心得
更多內容請前往 企業面試心得

  1. 負責顧問
    以下內容由 JECHO 顧問群向人選取得面試回饋,或由人選主動提供,請勿任意轉載。

    以 APP 視頻廣告解決方案為主的點石創新,進行 A 輪募資,接下來將以美國市場為主要布局方向。

