次元科技是一個以台灣為據點的資訊服務公司,在雲端整合、地端託管、CDN 配置皆擁有專業的實務經驗。


We aim to find and develop ambitious candidates who aim to become an expert in this field. We offer the well-rounded on-the-job training program to cultivate talents become a professional Technical Support Engineer who can provide professional suggestions, and be an accountable consultant to our clients for their Asia-Pacific facing business.

Currently, our clients are several multinational industries. Most of them are publicly traded gaming companies. They run live platforms for Desktop and Mobile which involve real-time streaming video and RNG games. We also provide services to the E-commerce industry who wants to develop their business in Asia.

Our ideal candidate has a good base of technical skills, cross-functional and customer-facing communication skills, who is able to speak and write at a conversational level in both Mandarin Chinese and English. He or she is excited to get in on the ground level of a new and exciting software business.


  • Troubleshooting and Resolution
  • Alarm Handling and Escalation
  • Client Interaction
  • Documentation and Reporting

Must Have:

  • Experience with commercial CDN’s and monitoring technologies.
  • Experience with cloud infrastructures like AWS, GCP, and other cloud platforms.
  • Capable to manage, monitor, and support for our clients’ network infrastructure, servers and services.
  • Monitor our clients’ services and respond to graph/log anomalies, system alerts.
  • Follow up proactively with internal or external parties for issue resolution progress.
  • Knowledge about CDN configuration and operations.
  • Knowledge of HTTP, TLS, and SSL.
  • Knowledge of TCP/IP and DNS protocols.
  • Summarize and report on monitored systems for service improvement.

Bonus Points:

  • Background in Linux / Unix Administration.
  • Able to automate processes and workflows via Shell, Python, or similar scripting languages.
  • Experience with build and release automation.
  • Experience with Network and Synthetic monitoring systems, gathering metric. collection, visualization, including trend statistical analysis.
  • Experience building and administering LAMP or distributed web applications, and related open-source software.


  • Conversational in both English (equivalent to TOEIC 650) and Chinese.
  • Identify issues according to SOPs and experience, accelerate identified issues for resolution when necessary.
  • Good troubleshooting skills to break down complex issues and find the root cause on system issues.
  • Problem-solving skills. Able to understand requirements and constraints from both sides of integration.
  • Ambition. There will be many opportunities to improve this process and expand the role and team in the coming months.
  • We want somebody who is excited to build a business with us.
  • Self-motivation. Able to work unsupervised.

技能標籤: CDN, devops, DNS, http, SSL, tcp/ip, TLS

您正瀏覽的職缺:Technical Support Engineer (客戶管理暨技術支援工程師)    有 3 則面試心得
更多內容請前往 企業面試心得

  1. 負責顧問
    以下內容由 JECHO 顧問群向人選取得面試回饋,或由人選主動提供,請勿任意轉載。

    多年支援 Azure / IOT 的經驗,並擅長 Linux Make、Java、Python、C/C#、Shell Script、Bash Script 等技術。

    面試時間約 1.5 小時,3 位面試官,包含 HR、Software Director、總經理。
    很喜歡面試官,職位以 streaming 居多,也有 cloud service,整體互動良好、過程算愉快,二面會與菲律賓主管面談,英文能力要好。

  2. 負責顧問
    以下內容由 JECHO 顧問群向人選取得面試回饋,或由人選主動提供,請勿任意轉載。


    面試時間 1.5 小時,HR 先提到通勤相關問題,接著工程師問了過去問題解決經驗、工作內容,總經理聊到了薪資、技術、到職日等等。

  3. 負責顧問
    以下內容由 JECHO 顧問群向人選取得面試回饋,或由人選主動提供,請勿任意轉載。

    擁有前、後端、相機系統等超過五年的開發經驗,精通 C/C++。

    有試前作業,主要是 linux 系統操作,限時兩小時。
    面試 2.5 小時,由 HR、tech lead、CEO 進行。
    聊到過往專案經歷,CEO 詢問到個性,並分享薪資結構,過程會簡單介紹工作內容,主要協助客戶解決 live streaming 的問題,需要懂一些 DevOps 內容,未來定位會偏向顧問,故也要熟悉網路。

