- Design, develop, implement, and maintain new and existing web-based applications
- Coordinate with engineering to define and prioritize engineering projects
- Able to work in a dynamic and diverse engineering culture
- Build a great product that impacts consumer online behavior – ShopBack is proud that their product is changing the way people shop online
- Interest in exploring and learning the latest technologies in the industry
Essential Requirements
- 5+ years of work experience, 2+ years of web back-end experience
- Hands on experience working with NodeJS
- Experience working with cloud services like AWS, Heroku or Google cloud platform
- Experience on different databases, relational (PostgreSQL, MySQL, and so on) or NoSQL (MongoDB, CouchDB, Cassandra)
- Extensive REST API development experience
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills, a team player with strong analytical, problem solving, debugging, and troubleshooting skills
北部私立電機系畢業,10 多年網站後端經驗。
面試後會有一份需要在三天內完成的作業,第一題考邏輯以及開發流程,第二題考程式撰寫,只能使用 Node.JS (難度頗高)。
8 年多的全端開發 (有 2 年多的 React.JS 跟 3 年多的 Node.JS/Scrum) 經驗。
2 個半小時的面試中,前 1 個小時由兩位工程師出 6~7 題的白板題 (有考 JavaScript),多以邊問邊聊的方式進行;接著就和兩位高階主管談了 1.5 小時,請我畫架構詳述之前做過的專案,還問在現職公司裡學到哪些東西、未來的職涯規劃和期望。
3 年以上 Android 與全端開發經驗,因為對流量較大且有機會接觸 Big data 相關的網路服務有興趣,因而想到 Shopback 面試。
面試第一關問較多技術問題,問的都滿深的;主管主要問 behavior 的部分,感覺自己沒有答得很好,有點可惜。