What you should notice when preparing for an interview

What you should notice before going to an interview.

Understand the company’s background

Find out the company’s management model and prospect through its official website or your consultant, so as to clarify whether you can fit in or not.

Prepare for questions about your skills and experience

Show your advantages through following items:

  • Job content
  • Responsibilities
  • Professional skills
  • Special contribution

Emphasize your self-learning ability to bring up your strong intention toward new techniques.
E.g.: Subscribe online courses, such as Coursera or Udemy.

Prepare for common questions

Be familiar with the content of your resume, and prepare for common questions such as expected salary, reason for leaving or challenges you’ve encountered.


What you should notice on the day you interview.

Be sure to be on time
  • Do you need to arrive earlier?
    10-15 mins earlier is acceptable. It’ll cause inconvenience if you arrive too early.
  • How do you deal with being late?
    Notify the company or your consultant and explain the reason ASAP. Sincerely apologize when you arrive.
  • What do you do when you can’t make it to the interview?
    Notify the company at least half day in advance and explain the reason.
Try not to arrange more than one interview a day.

If your first interview goes well but longer than you expected, which makes you look anxious about being late for the next one, may affect your impression to the interviewer.

Wear appropriate clothing

You may ask your consultant to give professional advice according to the job title and company culture.

Be careful of what shouldn’t be mentioned

For example, don’t ever criticize your previous company or your leader.