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Synergies 訊能集思

Synergies Intelligent Systems, Inc. devotes to developing an artificial intelligence business decision platform. Through data insight, behavior forecasting, and process automation, Synergies assists enterprises in solving problems in daily operations, production and sales supply chain, production manufacturing processes, and achieving an intelligent management through data analysis.


DeFi Revolution: Tokenbricks introduces a way for crypto wallet holders to hold coins backed by the same types of financial instruments that banks, insurance companies and governments use: mortgages, land development loans, vehicle loans, student loans, promissory notes, etc.

ShowEasy 簡單平台


Nexio 睿世科技

Nexio delivers value driven online gaming products including captivating games and a complete backend management system for online gaming businesses.

Best Distinction 創優

成立於2017的創優 (Best Distinction),目前正積極招募各項遊戲研發的專業人才。我們提供舒適輕鬆的優質辦公環境與不定期的優質福利,讓員工可以更具競爭力地一起努力。

inline 樂排

inline是專注於改善餐廳工作效率與服務品質的SaaS新創公司,合作客戶遍及各大百貨公司與知名餐廳,業務持續在台灣快速成長並展望於香港、新加坡、日本與美國等地。因此我們正在找尋有衝勁、有彈性、有創意且願意和 inline 一起走向未來、攀向高峰的您,期待與您一起打造出世界級的餐廳 SaaS 服務。

MorningShop 早餐吃麥片


Wasai 偉薩科技

偉薩科技專注在 Big data 軟硬體整合優化解決方案。核心技術為大數據資料處理加速引擎,包含優化資料處理程式(Apache Hadoop™與Apache Spark™),以及大數據資料處理專用加速晶片平台(FPGA),並進一步結合 FPGA 之硬體加速,與程式平台優化的軟硬整合技術。


Motiv is a breakthrough wearable technology company focused on designing products that fit seamlessly into people’s lives and keep them living better. Motiv creates products people want to wear, are easy to use and deliver meaningful experiences.