- PCIE IP digital design including RTL coding, verification, Synthesis, Integration, FPGA verification and chip tape out.
Essential Requirements
- Familiar with PCIE protocol, experience on developing PCIE IP.
- Knowledge and design experience of digital flows and FPGA validations.
- Experience on the system level debug and issue analysis.
Additional Requirements
- 2年以上工作經驗
- 電機電子工程/資訊工程相關科系,碩士以上畢業
- 英文:聽說讀寫,中等程度
- 需出差,一年累積時間未定
相關產業經驗 3 年。
擅長:PCI Express 2.0 and PIPE interface、AMBA AXI、Design Compiler、IC Compiler、SoC Encounter 等。
由兩位面試官進行面試,環境及文化不錯。以 IP 設計為主,聚焦在 PHY,對工作抱持期待,喜歡整體工作內容,並能學到很多東西。