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CoolBitX 庫幣

CoolBitX aims to lower the barriers for people to enter the crypto world. Making blockchain applications more approachable and compliant, allowing people to store cryptocurrencies easily and safely are our missions.


XREX is a neo fintech leveling the playing field by partnering with banks, regulators, and verified individuals to redefine banking together. Our blockchain-driven solutions create a collective financial system that empowers all to participate and contribute to the global economy.

TaiNai 泰奈科技

致力於 B2B軟體解決方案的客製化開發,團隊中的每一位成員在相關領域及開發技術上,都有著相當豐富的經驗。從巨量即時的資料交換到前端趨勢的大數據分析,我們將每個創新的想法落實為創造價值的產品,引領客戶立足市場、達成商業目標。

Jigentec 次元科技


Hua Sheng 華勝

華勝科技擁有專業技術開發核心能力,提供 B2B 企業用戶資訊平台的需求。

ICard.AI 前進智能


Kneron 耐能

Kneron is a leading provider of edge AI solutions. It is dedicated to the design and development of integrated software and hardware edge AI solutions for AIoT, smart home, smart surveillance, security, mobile devices, robotics, and industrial control.

Cirrus Systems 希爾⼠科技

Cirrus Systems, Inc. is a manufacturer of patented outdoor LED displays and horticultural lighting systems. Cirrus develops software packages to complement its suite of hardware solutions.

Partipost 派兒

Partipost 替品牌商建立一套人性化流程,透過輕鬆便捷的步驟,即可建立品牌行銷活動。透過後台數據,品牌能即時掌握上百則貼文成效,並產生具一股具穿透力的口碑行銷風潮,同時也拉近品牌與粉絲的距離。